- Beginner's guide to Apache Camel and IPF for the Swiss EPR
The blog post is describing how to start working with IPF and Apache Camel to send your first request to the Swiss EPR.
- How to implement highlighted inline code blocks in Hugo
The blog post describes how I implemented the syntax used by InlineHilite for highlighted inline code blocks in Hugo.
- Implement syntax highlighting of a new language in JetBrains IDEs
The blog post is exploring different ways to implement syntax highlighting for a language in JetBrains IDEs.
- Improving performance of the IG Publisher: I/O operations
The blog post is about optimizing some I/O operations of the IG Publisher, a tool to build FHIR implementation guides.
- How to fix metadata of Google Pixels' raw photos
The blog post is about Pixel DNG Fixer, an app that fixes the metadata of DNG photos taken by Google Pixel phones.